
All our systems and algorithms are developed on our broad and extensive expertise and experience in online monitoring, brand protection and abusive activities on the internet.

  • Data Driven – the impressive amount of data we have collected over the years provides us with unique insights on how malicious activity online is evolving
  • Machine Learning Algorithms – these insights are used in order to develop proprietary algorithms that increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the outputs we generate
  • Computing Power – The continuous improvements we are making to our IT infrastructure allows us to perform more than 20k queries per second. That is about 2 billion per day …

The combination of these factors make that we can offer to clients a robust, versatile and scaleable online monitoring platform that is able to swiftly make complex analyses and generate detailed reports.


Where most of our competitors are focused on producing as many results as possible, we care most about the quality of the data and reports we are providing. 

  • Data Analysis – our proprietary risk assessment methodologies provide for additional insights in the data collected by our systems
  • Data Classification – customers obtain real-time views on which risks are most relevant to them
  • Accessible Reports – the reports generated by our tools provide for detailed insights

The reports and dashboard we make available contain actionable insights with minimal involvement from the users. So everyone can go straight to the point.


Experience shows that by involving us, brand owners can be more efficient and effective in takedown and enforcement proceedings they initiate.

  • Detailed Insights – comprehensive, understandable and actionable reports are key
  • Unique Experience – our unique background in various layers of the internet’s ecosystem is key in understanding what different types of internet users need
  • Result Oriented – constantly focus on what matters for our customers

Experience shows that the steps we undertake from discovery to enforcement are extremely effective in ensuring that the most appropriate actions are undertaken at the right time and in the right sequence.

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Always Challenge The Status Quo

By constantly questioning what we do and how we do it, we constantly improve the methodologies we are using, the approaches we take, and the quality of the services we provide.

  • Out of the Box Thinking – our DNA
  • Continuous In Flight Research Projects – we always come up with new concepts that help us to increase quality, speed of deployment and delivery, and the value we bring to our customers
  • No Compromises – quality and effectiveness is what we stand for

If would like to learn more about what we do and how, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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